What my life is like as a Falconer’s Wife
Some might wonder what it’s like being a Falconer’s Wife. Well first off, it’s not a “cute hobby” your spouse might have. Because: Taking on the endeavor of…
4 min read
My Husband the Master Class Falconer
So what is Falconry and what is a Falconer you might ask. Well, the definitions are: Falconer – fal·con·er a person who keeps, trains, and hunts with a…
4 min read
Intro to the WV Falconer’s Wife
Hi! My name is Tiffany Waybright and I’m The WV Falconer’s Wife and also Redhead ‘N Mudboots. I’m a country girl, photographer, farmer, gardener, and I’m taking a…
4 min read