Hi! My name is Tiffany Waybright and I’m The WV Falconer’s Wife and also Redhead ‘N Mudboots. I’m a country girl, photographer, farmer, gardener, and I’m taking a collage course in horticulture this year! I live in Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. You may have guessed by the title of my blog that I’m a Falconer’s Wife, and you would be correct!

This is me
I’m originally from Washington state
I’m a transplant to West Virginia, I grew up in Washington State on the West Coast.
So how did I end up living in West Virginia on the other side of the country from where I grew up you wonder? I’m glad you asked! I grew up on a farm, and my family and I raised Nubian, Mini Nubian and Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats and we also had horses, chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats, and dabbled in various other farm animals over the years. I lived the first part of my life in a little place called Yacolt, Washington. When I was about 6 years old my family packed up and moved over to the Eastern side of the state. Spokane, Washington. I loved it there! I loved the 360 days of sun it seemed to have over there and getting snow in the winter instead of rain. Unfortunately after 5 years my dad saw he wasn’t going anywhere in that particular region, so we moved back to the West side of the state again to a small town called Woodland, Washington. And there we stayed for the next 13 years until I moved out to West Virginia. My family still resides at that same farm.
2018 events changed the course of my life

April, 2018, after going to a dinner in Portland, OR hosted by Answers in Genesis and directed by Ken Ham. Mr Ham was saying they needed seasonal and full time workers. I convinced my mom to let me go get a seasonal position at their zoo. She made my sister apply as well, so I wouldn’t be going alone. October my mom, sister and I made the cross country trek to the Ark. We made it in 4 days! We went and visited the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, and then my mom flew back to Washington. We lived at the dorms the Ark had just set up for out of state employees to stay temporarily. On October the 8th we started orientation. Leading up to that Monday the other girls in the apartment had been talking about a Falconer coming to work at the zoo and how exiting it was! That Monday morning we were waiting in line for our new badge pictures to be taken and orientation to start, and in walks this boy. My first thought was, “I bet he was home-schooled”. He was. Got to know him a little more over the next few days and became fast friends. At the time I was learning Banjo, and he was also learning Banjo and had brought his to KY, so I had someone to practice with! My sister and I would hang out with him over the next 2 months we worked at the Ark. On Nov 29th my dad and youngest sister flew out to see the Ark and Museum and then Dec. 2nd we drove back to Washington. My sisters and I kept in touch with the Falconer boy from the Ark. He and I would practice banjo together over video calls. The next Summer he came out for a 2 week visit. It wasn’t until a year later I found out he liked me and we started long distance dating.
Having a long distance relationship was hard
In Dec. of 2020 I decided I was done with having a long distance relationship and got an Internship at my now boyfriend’s family’s Bed and Breakfast and Educational Farm in Jenningston, WV. I lived with them while I figured out if I liked West Virginia enough to live here and got to know him better in person.
Fast forward to now, I’m happily married and living the dream out in the country, loving living here in West Virginia and learning even more to country life than what I grew up knowing!

My Husband is a Master Class Falconer
My Husband is a Master Class Falconer here in the state of West Virginia and has been doing Falconry since he was 14 years old. He does Raptor Educational Programs and Hawk Walks on top of hunting with these birds and it’s amazing watching him work with these wonderful creatures!
I’ll talk more about and introduce him in another post as well as do a post about his family’s farm.
I love your story Tiffany! God has brought you so far. So glad he crossed our paths. ❤ Blessings to you in this blogging endeavor, friend!
Thank you! It’s amazing to look back over everything God has brought me through, I wouldn’t be here today without His guidance. I’m thankful to Him that our paths have crossed. <3
Wonderful intro. It was my privilege to meet your falconer husband to be when your grandmother and I traveled to WV for your wedding. Will be following your blog to enjoy hearing about adventures.
Thank you! I’m so glad you were able to accompany Grandma when she came out to our wedding. It was wonderful having family to share it with. <3