Happy New Year!
2024 was such an exciting and rewarding year for us here on the farm! So much has happened, and I’d like to share some of our highlights with you.
Spring brought us a sweet new addition: Kiki, our adorable tabby kitten! She quickly became a cherished part of our farm family. Tucker loves her to pieces and protects her like she’s a little sister. It’s so cute!
I experienced my very first kidding season in West Virginia with my new goats! What a whirlwind it was. I started the year with my original trio of goats (from November 2023), and by the time kidding season was over, we had 10 goats total thanks to two sets of triplets! After some thoughtful decisions, we ended the year with 8 goats, including a buck and his companion we purchased, and Bruno—our only buck kid, who’s staying as a beloved wether.
More furry friends:
- This fall, Collin and I attended the Forest Festival to present educational programs with our birds. The festival placed us right across from the Animal Shelter booth, so naturally, we came home with a charming new addition. His name is Grey Goose, or “Goose” for short. He’s been a joy ever since!
- In December, we completed an epic 8-hour round trip to Ohio to pick up Duke, our English Shepherd puppy. Duke has already stolen our hearts and is settling in beautifully on the farm.
Looking ahead to 2025:
We’re so excited for everything this new year has in store! One of our biggest goals is to expand our educational outreach. In 2024, we were officially accepted by the WV Veterinarian Board of Education to teach Continuing Education hours for veterinarians. This year, we’re eager to grow this new venture, alongside continuing our much-loved Birds of Prey educational programs. We’ll be focusing more on onsite programs and working directly from the farm, inviting others to come and learn alongside us as we carry on with everyday farm life.
Marsha and I got a Jersey cow! We’re thrilled to be having fresh dairy back on the farm starting early this fall. I can’t wait to teach others how to make cheese, butter, ice cream, and more!
Goat’s milk soap and more: I’ll also be diving into making goat’s milk soap, which will be available in our upcoming BNB Farm Gift Shop! Keep an eye on our website for updates as we grow our product offerings.
Podcast goals: We’re determined to kick things into high gear with our podcast this year! Our first live episode of 2025 will air on January 6th—don’t miss it! Follow us on Youtube!
There are so many other exciting things in the planning stages, and we can’t wait to share them with you as they come to life.
Here’s to a year of growth, adventure, and learning together. Thank you for being part of our journey!
Wishing you and yours a bright and joyful 2025!
Here are just a few highlights of the year: